Hiring A Baby Nurse for 24 Hour Newborn Care

Is hiring a baby nurse for 24 hour newborn care worth it? First, what is a baby nurse and what value do they provide? A baby nurse is a Registered Nurse (RN) or Newborn Care Specialist (NCS) hired to assist families during those first few days or weeks at home with a new baby. Baby nurses can be hired for daytime care to provide guidance in infant care, support for new moms to recover from delivery, or serve as an extra set of hands to parents. A baby night nurse can be hired for night time care only to attend to a babies needs at night and allowing parents to achieve much needed rest sleep.
Hiring a baby nurse for 24 hour newborn care
Additionally, 24-hour newborn care is available for those parents who would like a Registered Nurse (RN) or Newborn Care Specialist (NCS). Every family is different and has varying circumstances that may warrant 24-hour newborn care. Our clients vary from families with multiple children looking for extra help to first time parents wanting to ease anxiety of their first baby at home to families working with a surrogate or adoption process.
A 24 hour baby nurse can be reserved for as little as 1 day and up to 4 weeks. Your provider will work 18 hour shifts with a 6 hour break every 24 hours. Your provider will need a private bedroom for sleeping. All travel expenses and meals are paid by the family.
Our team of baby nurses can travel with your family within the United States and internationally to guarantee your growing family is successful during the first weeks or months at home with a new baby.
What does a 24 hour baby nurse do?
- Tend to all of your newborn’s needs
- Serve as a breastfeeding resource
- Make bottles and feed baby
- Monitor how much baby is drinking and making wet diapers
- Change diaper and clothing
- Bathe
- Swaddle and Soothe
- Provide newborn education to parents
- Advise on a routine or schedule for feeding and sleeping
- Take care of any household task related to your newborn
- Wash bottles and wash baby clothing
- Tidy baby’s nursery or space
- Change baby’s bed linens
- Allow mom to recover from delivery
- Allow parents time to sleep, shower, eat, rest, care for other children
- Allow parents to leave the house without baby
- Travel with newborn and parents
When to hire a baby nurse?
Your Baby Consultant recommends reserving your baby nurse several months prior to your delivery date to ensure you are set up with a baby nurse that meets your family’s specific needs.
It is customary to have your baby nurse start working the first day home from the hospital to allow your body to recover from delivery and to set you up for success in caring for your newborn.
How much does a baby nurse cost?
The fee for 24-hour newborn care is $550-1000 per day depending on type of provider and number of babies. All travel expenses and meals are paid by the family.
Is a 24 hour baby nurse worth the cost?
Lastly, it’s no secret that the first few weeks at home with baby is exhausting. Any form of support to new parents will be well worth it. A Registered Nurse provides newborn care tips on swaddling, soothing, feeding, bathing as well as sleeping and creating a routine that works for your family. A baby nurse will tend to baby’s needs at night such as feeding, diapering, and changing clothes, soothing to sleep, and assisting with breastfeeding or bottle feeding to help parents achieve much needed rest. Whether this is your first baby or fourth baby, a baby nurse will help your family have a positive and successful experience bring baby into your home.
For more information and questions, reach out to mandy@yourbabyconsultant.com.
Learn about our baby nurse services available: